New Video Poem | 'The Victory Cry'


Check out the new video poem, 'The Victory Cry' below from my novella 'His Last Companion' (available on Amazon Kindle and Audible!). Don't forget to check out my YouTube channel for more content!

The Victory Cry

Cold was the dawn and thick the mist,
as drums roused soldiers from their sleep.
A cry to arms, to motivate each war-torn soul;
“The time has come! For pride and peace, we fight today.”
Fore the battlefield they stood,
poised in the mist, the slaughter nearing.
Fearful hearts loud in the silence,
loved ones sent a hushed farewell.
At the command, the line surged forward,
a cry for blood upon each broken lip.
“For victory! For love and honor!
Let us die to make men free!”

About this poem
I wrote it specifically for my novella, 'His Last Companion'. The book has several different threads running through it including the hopelessness and tragedy of war and human conflict. This poem reflects that well and the end result of this particular moment of war was left open-ended because, let's be honest, we know how these things end for the soldiers themselves. In the book, the character of Isaac is the last surviving humankind on earth, and so this poem speaks to his past experience as a soldier in conflict, ironically too as for him it obviously did not end in love, honor, and victory. 

[Learn more about 'His Last Companion' under the Book tab of my website!]