Blithe Spirit 34.3


Blithe Spirit Issue 34.3 landed in my mailbox this week and I had almost forgotten the haibun that had been included! There's no real backstory to this one, at least not a personal one thankfully. My childhood was quite a happy one for the most part. I can't quite remember what inspired this haibun but I do remember writing it while with my family in Germany this Spring. 


I will not steal other people's lunches. 
I will not steal other people's lunches. 
I will not steal other people's lunches. 
I will not steal other people's lunches. 
I will not steal other people's lunches. 

like little Gretel
her childhood chattered
with crumbs

Thanks to the British Haiku Society for including this haibun in their publication! Learn more about them here.