Found Poem 1 & 2 | Clayjar Review


The Clayjar Review published the first of a few of my essays this morning which included two found poems. This is the time I have published my found poetry (also called blackout poetry) and I can't wait to share them! 

Poem I: The Request

I told no one.

I cannot remember why. My heart

beating when I laid hands on a request

to, upon the brain of black ink, burn my secret.

This new hand of that

day was still as a mouse.

He got nothing out of me

to praise. The truth is in silence

My dear.

The poem above was pulled from the text in Harriet Martineau’s  ‘The Great Social Evil’. I enjoy 'finding' poems within older texts and classical books as the language feels so much richer. Check this one out that I pulled from Charles Darwin's 'The Origin of Species';

Poem II: Clothed

I am 

rare and humble;

clothed in ancient ruins,

at war 

with beast and man.

Read the full essay published in The Clayjar Review here!