Shelf Memory #2


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Shelf Memory #2

An early reprint of Louis Allcott's 'Little Women & Good Wives' which I found years ago in a thrift store (for only a few dollars as it was clearly falling apart) was one of the highlights of this photo collection for me. It's such a beautiful book aesthetically with many beautiful illustrations inside, along with this little note which I adore;

"To Betty, on her 10th Birthday. April 18/ 27.  Love Daddy & Mama" 

I love this photo project for the quick glimpses we catch of people's lives and, as described in the project description below, the insights into the [book] giver's intentions by their chosen book. Betty, who would be almost 100 years old if she is still alive, is given the classic 'Little Women & Good Wives' by her parents, perhaps because she asked for it or maybe her parents chose it specifically for her because she reminds them of one of the main characters or they're acknowledging the complexities of growing up as a young woman in the tumultuous 1900s. Who knows? I probably will never, but I like to think that each book chosen and given within this project was done with intent and purpose; with the receiver in mind. 

Betty, wherever you are, I hope you are well.

Thank you for this beautiful book. 

I imagine you at every turn of the page.

Project Description

“Shelf Memories” is a nostalgic photo series that explores the relationship between giver and recipient through the medium of books given as gifts. In the first pages of a book often nestles a handwritten note from which we catch a brief yet intimate insight into the bond between people. The notes, paired with a cover image of the book, reveal the giver's intentions; from early nursery rhythms and children's Bibles to cookbooks and self-help. The handwriting style and word choice often add to these glimpses of a different life.

No matter how important they were, the books are eventually outgrown and succumb to thrift store and community library shelves where they are found and photographed; the final resting place for many words chosen with care, signed with love, and given in hope. Relationships past and children grown, all that remains is a handwritten note, more often than not from "XOXO Nana & Pops".